Meeting and campaigns set up as anger grows over ‘option’ to close community centre

A monthly meeting of the Forres Community Council has put the ‘closure’ of the community centre on its agenda, where the public are invited to attend.

Growing criticism of the potential demise of a central hub in Forres has resulted in a frenzied move to prevent it.

A meeting will take place on Thursday 20 February in the Erskine Veterans’ Activity Centre (former Victoria Hotel) on Tytler Street at 7pm.

A petition has been set up that has already gathered almost 3000 signatures at

And a Facebook group has been set up at

On 30 January, it emerged that the Forres House Community Centre could be closed as part of changes to sport and leisure services at Moray Council, but no commitment was made to do this and the council said a further review is necessary.

A council spokesperson said: “There are no current proposals on our leisure services. There is more work needed to review the whole service to ensure sustainability in future, but initial workshops are yet to take place. We’ll publish any proposals and consult on those when they have been drawn up.”

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2 thoughts on “Meeting and campaigns set up as anger grows over ‘option’ to close community centre”

  1. Very nice to share this asset.
    Better signage needed to find it, and a “green “ toilet tent in a secluded spot would be advisable.

  2. Oh here we go again, another dessision made by the cooncil, wonder how much this cost in consultations?

    A council spokesperson said: “There are no current proposals on our leisure services. There is more work needed to review the whole service to ensure sustainability in future, but initial workshops are yet to take place. We’ll publish any proposals and consult on those when they have been drawn up.”

    Says it all really. They dinna Ken wit each hand is doing.


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