Return-to-school plan goes ahead with plea to minimise risks

A phased return to school will go ahead as planned on Monday 22 February.

Primaries one, two, and three will be able to go back to school full-time, and a limited number of senior pupils doing practical work towards national qualifications will go back part-time.

A second phase will be announced in two weeks’ time on 2 March.

The First Minister said in her announcement today that the Government will assess the impact of the opening, and it is unlikely that any further return to school will happen before 15 March.

Staff in schools, early learning and childcare settings and senior phase secondary school pupils will be offered at-home lateral flow tests ywice a week and 2200 kits have been delivered to schools already.

Nicola Sturgeon added that secondary school pupils must maintain 2m distancing in school and on school transport and that they will be publishing additional school safety guidance.

She added that the success of this programme depends on all of us continuing to abide by the restrictions, and highlighted the risk of parents socialising at school drop-off and pick-up times. She asked everyone involved to make sure this doesn’t happen.

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