Potholed Dunes Road at Findhorn to be closed while repairs take place

A potholed road at Findhorn beach is being repaired, thanks to a local conservation group and support from NatureScot.

The Findhorn Village Conservation Company have secured funding to carry out repair works on the Dune Road and East Beach Car park.

Chair Christine Hunt said: “The repair of the Dunes Road has been on the company’s wish list for a long time and we are very grateful to NatureScot, through the Better Places Green Recovery Fund for their generous support.

“The repair of the Dunes Road will enable cars to use the East Beach Car Park again and relieve some of the parking congestion in the village. Visitors will be able to access the beach and dunes area, with local amenities just a 10 minute walk away”.

The track was originally used to access salmon nets on the backshore. During the work to build the sea defences the surface was strengthened to support the heavy lorries, but over the years this surface has broken down creating large potholes.

The road has been patched over time but is now in a very poor state and is not suitable for vehicles. It has become wider in some areas due to vehicles driving and parking on the fragile dune verges to avoid the potholes.

The work started in the East Beach Car Park on Thursday (27 May 2021). The car park will be closed to vehicles beyond the disabled parking area and the Dunes Road will remain open.

Work will start on the Dunes Road around 7 June when it will be closed to vehicles for approximately three to four weeks.

The Dunes Road will be reinstated as a single-track with passing places. To protect the verges natural bunds will be established. Wooden posts will be installed at some points on the road to stop vehicles parking on the verges.

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