Motorhome park taking shape at Findhorn Beach

A new park for motorhomes is nearing completion at the west beach car park in Findhorn.

Around 18 hard standings have been installed by The Findhorn Village Conservation Company in part of the car park which has been used by motorhomes recently.

In 2018 the company introduced an honesty box with an overnight charge of £10 and has collected £14,000 from this. It has also recently received funding from Highland and Islands
Enterprise’s (HIE) Community-Led Tourism Fund to install a barrier and remote booking and entry system.

A spokesperson for the company said: “We want to assure everyone that all work is being carried out following consultation with specialists to ensure we are limiting impact and protecting this area. We are thankful for the specialist’s support, in doing so we have been able to identify areas that need special care and management.

“We will be working with different specialists to identify suitable planting once the hard workings are done. This is important not only for cosmetic reasons but to protect the dunes area.”

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