The Mercat Cross in Forres, which has been surrounded by safety fencing for some time, is to be refurbished at a cost of up to £30,000.
Money from the latest tranche of Town Centre Regeneration funding from the Scottish Government has been allocated by the Moray Council to the restoration of the Forres Mercat Cross to its former glory.
Councillor George Alexander said: “Unfortunately it is unlikely that the work will be done before the New Year but it will be completed by the end of this financial year. The contract has been awarded and we can look forward to one of our High Street jewels escaping from the confines of the Heras fencing where it has been enclosed for too long.”
The current pinnacled Mercat Cross was built in 1844, and modelled on the Scott Memorial in Edinburgh by Thomas Mackenzie. Ir is a Category B listed building.