From Findhorn to Nevada – Frankie Mack to play local gigs on way to Las Vegas

A chance meeting in Tenerife has led to the booking of an up-and-coming Las Vegas showman in the Captain’s Table, Findhorn.

Frankie Mack’s dream of hitting the big-time in Nevada is only five years in the making, but the singer has already played the stage in Vegas and has his sights set on a residency there. He was awarded the prestigious Rising Star accolade at the Las Vegas Reel Awards.

But before he hits the bright lights of the USA, he’s stopping off at Findhorn for a cosy show on the shore.

Captain’s Table owners Simon and Katrina Paterson were holidaying in Tenerife when a mutual friend, Neil McCracken, introduced them to Frankie, and they immediately became fans.

Simon said: “I can’t express how much this story of success amazes me. Frankie is coming to Findhorn on 12 May. It will be his last gig before he heads off to Vegas.”

Sell-out city gig

Frankie is from Leith and his last gig before heading to Findhorn is in the 750-seat Assembly Rooms in Edinburgh, and already looking like a sell-out.

Simon continued: “Frankie’s story from car sales man to Las Vegas showman is a truly inspirational story of ‘Against the Odds’ which is the name of his city gig. Having a rising star play at the Cappy T is amazing.  It’s a huge deal for Captain’s Table and big deal for me.

“Frankie is an amazing entertainer, to call him a singer just doesn’t do justice to his ability to truly entertain.”

While on holiday, Neil and Simon hatched a plan to bring the show north to Moray and Frankie was keen to help make this happen.

History repeating itself

“My father Neil and his good friend Dennis Scaife used to book acts for the “Two Red Shoes” in Elgin in the 60s, pulling in bands like The Beatles and The Animals before they made it really big,” Simon added,

Frankie Mack at the Captain’s Table will be just £10 a head, compared with up to £93 in the capital. He’ll also play at the Comrades CIC in Lossiemouth on 11 May.

Show starts at 6:30pm; Entertaining the crowd beforehand will be regular artist Esther Rose. For tickets, message the Captain’s Table on Facebook or call on 01309 690099.

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